Why do I get a warning message in my Trade History?

You’re receiving this message because your module encountered an issue with the base balance while in position. This could be for one of the following reasons: Manual withdrawal: If you manually withdrew or sold the funds from your exchange account, the module may not have enough or any balance left to use for trading. In this case, the remaining balance will be adjusted, and you will see a warning icon and message in your Trade History. Multiple modules using the same base balance: If you have multiple modules running on the same exchange account, there is a chance that the base balance of one module will be used as a quote by another module. This can result in a missing balance and a warning message in your Trade History. Competition with other API services: If you are using multiple services or APIs that are connected to your exchange account, they may compete for the same balance, which can result in a missing balance and a warning message.

What is dust and why does my module generate so much of it when trading?

"Dust" is a term used to describe the small amount of leftover cryptocurrency that can accumulate in your account as a result of trading. This occurs due to fee deductions and because many exchanges have minimum trade sizes, which can result in small amounts of cryptocurrency being left over after a trade.

Binance allows its users to use BNB to pay fees, this means that instead of paying fees in your base and quote currencies, you can use BNB to cover the trading fees. This is one way to avoid dust being generated, as your fees will be settled in BNB. In addition, by using BNB you also get a 25% discount on trading fees. You must have BNB in your Binance spot wallet and enable the Using BNB Deduction option to pay for trading fees using BNB.

This is an option that you must enable in your Binance account. To enable Using BNB Deduction, follow the steps outlined here.

Last updated