
The marketplace is a library of algorithms, modules, and trading tools, made by our team and community creators. Grow your crypto portfolio alongside experienced traders or earn from your creations. Our marketplace will be fully powered by the Tradetomato token (TTM), meaning subscriptions and rental fees will be paid in TTM.

The community and our team will continuously curate all marketplace content to ensure only the best tools remain in the spotlight. As a community member, you will be able to rate & review templates, modules, signals, and other tools as you use them. You can also see what others in the community think before trying a tool for yourself.

Marketplace Algorithms

Dive into a selection of pre-built marketplace algorithms that are ready to deploy instantly. These algorithms offer a turnkey solution with strategies that remain private to their creators.

  • Explore a wide range of algorithms in the marketplace, complete with details like supported exchanges, trading pairs, and performance tiers.

  • View detailed information about an algorithm by clicking "view details," including its description, tier availability, creator, last update, and supported pairs.

  • "Get Now" adds the chosen algorithm to your library, making it ready for deployment.

  • Deploy your algorithm by selecting "use algorithm," which leads you through a summary screen and a disclaimer highlighting the risk of trading and the importance of ongoing performance monitoring.

  • Configure your algorithm by selecting a trading connection and setting your exposure based on your balance.

  • Complete the setup by naming your algorithm and reviewing your selections, including the trading pair and exchange, before finalizing the creation.

  • Once created, your newly configured module appears in the "Module" tab, ready to be activated for trading.

Module Templates

In the marketplace, under the 'Templates' tab, you will find a selection of Module templates. Templates are modules with pre-configured conditions and can be used as a base for building your modules and algorithms. Templates are a starting point from which you can build out your own strategies and customize them to match your trading style and market conditions.

If you are a beginner trader, templates are likely the best way to familiarize yourself with modules. Templates are aimed at providing a starting point for your modules. Please keep in mind that templates are not optimized for current market conditions and are, therefore, not supposed to be run without adjustments. Rather, they are meant to help you get an idea of the different kinds of setups that can be constructed using the module builder. Make sure to customize the templates to match your trading style and current market conditions.

Please note: Templates are only meant as a basis for your modules and should not be interpreted as trading advice.

How to use a marketplace template?

To use one of the module templates, navigate to the marketplace and select the 'Templates tab'. You will see the available selection of templates that you can choose from. You can learn more about a given template by clicking on 'View'. If you'd like to use that template, click on 'Get', and the template will be added to your library.

To view, your library of templates, click on the 'My Library' button and select 'My template'. Your owned templates will be displayed.

To use one of the templates from your library, navigate to the Module tab side menu and create a new Module. Follow the module creation steps, selecting 'Custom Module' and 'Use a template'. Choose a template you would like to use from the list and complete the module creation step by selecting your exchange connection, trading pair, and exposure like you would when building your own modules.

Once your module is set up, you will see the template conditions for your module. As mentioned above, the template is just a starting point for your module. Please make sure to adjust conditions to match your trading strategy and market conditions.

A complete step-by-step guide on using templates can be found here.

Last updated