
For improved security and to maintain a clear distinction between your automated trading activities and other investments, we advise setting up a separate sub-account on Bybit dedicated to Tradetomato.

Unlock the power of automated trading on Bybit by establishing a live trading connection through the generation of essential API keys. Follow these steps to seamlessly integrate your Bybit account with Tradetomato's platform.

Navigate to Bybit

If you already have a Bybit account with funds on it - skip to the API integration step.

  • If you're new to Bybit, create an account or log in if you already have one.

  • Craft a robust password for your trading account.

  • Elevate security by activating 2-factor authentication.

  • Verify your email and adhere to Bybit's identity verification protocols, enhancing overall security measures.

API Key Creation

Within your Bybit account interface, locate the 'API Management' section to initiate API key creation.

Click 'Generate New Key' and opt for the 'System-Generated API Keys' option.

Select Permissions

Provide a recognizable name to your API key, facilitating easy identification.

During API key generation, ensure that you select appropriate permissions. For live trading, you'll need to enable the following permissions:

API Key Usage - Tick off the following permissions:

  • API Key Permissions

  • Trade

  • Assets

Whitelist IP

Strengthen security by whitelisting your IP address.

In the empty field under API Key Permissions enter the IP addresses displayed to you on the Tradetomato platform, separating them with commas.

Click Submit

Proceed with a security verification, involving email verification and your 2FA code.

Generate Key

Once your API keys are generated, copy them. Return to Tradetomato's connection setup and paste the credentials into their respective fields.

Establish Connection

Congratulations! Your Bybit connection is now established. Explore your portfolio and begin automating your Bybit trades on the Tradetomato platform.

Last updated